Relationship, Intimacy,
Feminine Leadership

Discover Healing & Intimate Arts of Tantra together with your soul partner, explore the dance of sexuality and spirituality weaved into the mystery of Life & co-create your own unique intimate model of the Sacred Union.

Heal the Feminine within and your ancestral female lineage, activate your senses, rediscover your sexuality in alignment with the ancient spiritual principles. Master Tantric Feminine Arts & Receiving powers.

Align with your unique leadership style based on your archetype & connect with your soul purpose. Create a thriving business to share your genius and gifts with the world.


She is the one who leads through Receiving


About Lana Elco

Question the Obvious to Discover the Miraculous.


Lana Elco is the world’s leading intimacy artist & the creator of the Intimate Universe brand. Specializing in working with prominent visionary women and leading women entrepreneurs on their most intimate relationships, Lana guides her clients into the deepest level of intimacy and transforms their intimate relationships into a work of Art. 

After building and running several successful businesses, Lana  created her legacy business offering her clients an ultimate journey of self discovery, transformation and mastery in the area of Intimate Arts.

A true Maverick and consciousness explorer, Lana has committed to discover new relationship models that can sustain the deepest level of intimacy and embrace the diversity of human personalities in the modern era.

Celebrating the Renaissance of feminine leadership and expanded consciousness Lana starts a new chapter in the evolution of human relationships and intimacy. 

She believes that our intimate relationships are overdue for transformation. Collectively, we have outgrown old outdated relationship containers and experience urgency for a new relationship paradigm. We need a new belief system that will allow us to release cultural conditioning around intimacy and remove the walls of separation between feminine and masculine. 

Lana offers a new perspective and creative approach to intimacy and relationships. Her relationship models are based on the Tantric Sacred Union approach enriched by the insights of transpersonal psychology, nonviolent communication, consciousness research, the feminine empowerment movement and Lana’s genius direct downloads. 

A Mystic & High Priestess of the embodied feminine spirituality, Lana guides women on the journey of discovery and exploration within their own Intimate Universe. In her work she utilizes highly experiential tools and facilitates advanced practices in expanded states of consciousness. 
